We all know the stereotype of the stay-at-home mom: She's frazzled, she's exhausted, she's trapped in her house all day with her screaming kids. And while that may be true for some moms who work from home, it's certainly not true for all of us. In fact, there are a lot of things that we wish people knew about us. Here are just a few of them.
We're not always frazzled.
Just because we're working from home doesn't mean that we're constantly frazzled and stressed out. In fact, a lot of us actually find working from home to be a lot less stressful than working in an office.
We don't have to deal with commute times, we can take breaks whenever we want, and we can wear whatever we want. So please don't assume that we're always frazzled just because we work from home.
We're not always available.
Just because we work from home doesn't mean that we're always available to talk on the phone or meet up for coffee. We have work to do, just like everyone else. So please don't assume that we're always available just because we work from home.
We're not always bored.
Just because we work from home doesn't mean that we're bored out of our minds. In fact, a lot of us actually find working from home to be pretty stimulating. We get to interact with other adults during the day, and we get to experience the world in a whole new way. So please don't assume that we're always bored just because we work from home.
I'm a busy Mom Who Works From Home, and let me tell you, there are some things I really want. I don't ask for much, but if you happen to be reading this and happen to have any of the following items on hand, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send them my way.
1. A live-in chef
2. A personal assistant
3. A never-ending supply of coffee
4. An infinite amount of patience
5. A quiet house
6. A cleaning lady
7. A masseuse on call
8. uninterrupted hours of sleep
9. A vacation
10. And finally, a raise
In all seriousness, being a working Mom is hard enough without having to do it from home. There are constant distractions and constant demands on your time and energy.
It's tough to stay focused and get work done when there are dishes to be washed, laundry to be folded, and little ones running around screaming at the top of their lungs. But we do it because we're strong and we're fierce and we're moms!
If you know a mom who works from home, chances are she's not as frazzled, bored, or available as you might think.
So, the next time you see a working mom friend of yours struggling to keep her head above water, give her a hug and tell her she's doing an amazing job. Because she is!
PS I would be remiss not to share a favorite book!

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